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    Multilingual Manuals

    Your multilingual instructions play a crucial part and it’s vital that you get yours right.

    Does your multilingual manual “including small spare parts unsuitable for 5 age and younger”? Perhaps your customer should “in need to change batteries when the LED of power is flicker”? And of course, every reader should “saft caution” and “keep this insruction munaul so as to read in furture” …

    Sadly, (and a little scarily) these kinds of translation mistakes aren’t uncommon in multilingual manuals. But they are, without a doubt, costly; with the potential to damage your reputation and trust in your brand, your multilingual instructions play a crucial part of your product service, and it’s vital you get yours right.

    We can translate your material into as many languages as necessary, and can assist with layout, presentation, and text for graphics to ensure clarity of content is always achieved. Our clients have increased their company sales as a direct result of being able to reach a wider audience; so, if you’ve a manual that needs translating and typeset, and want to avoid any embarrassing mistakes, just get in touch with us to discuss your next project.

    As a global organisation, we have had a need for fast, efficient translations on several occasions over the years. Language Company Group has always produced the goods in a highly professional manner. I would have no hesitation in recommending them.

    Tim Wilson, CEO MSI Global Alliance www.msiglobal.org