Could AI be doing your translations for you?

Predicting the future has never been easy; who knew that today we would spend nearly 2hrs every day online on our smartphones*, that robots would exist in our homes, or that even the most mundane problems could be solved with an app?! There’s no doubt that technological firsts and innovative new breakthroughs are gearing up […]

Your guide to wearable translation devices

These days it’s not enough to have instant, accessible technology in our homes and workplace…we want to be able to wear it too. Wearable technologies have becoming increasingly popular year on year and they now dominate a significant part of the market – in fact, it’s predicted that the number of connected wearable devices worldwide […]

Siri, Alexa and the quest to be multilingual

Technology is racing forward faster than most businesses can keep up – and at the heart of new developments lies one key focus; communication. Voice activation and voice searches are becoming the norm and they’re changing the way we search, share and receive information. This wasn’t always the case – for years, voice-activated technology was […]

Can you 3D print an apple?

New technology means what was once fantasy, can now be a reality – just imagine being able to unlock a phone with a fingerprint or tell a speaker what music you want to play…! While time travel and teleportation are yet to be achieved, 3D printing is one technological development that has made leaps and […]

Man vs Machine

The technological revolution is upon us – there’s no denying that technology plays a pivotal role in pretty much every aspect of our lives now, from how we communicate to how we socialise, relax, work and play. The translation world is no different. Where previously, businesses relied on finding multilingual individuals to communicate in other […]